
Naked Girls Book Club - Early Signup

Introductory Offer

For $4.95/month, you get full access to our premium content including sexy photos, videos, book clubs, interactive submissions and discounts on tickets to LIVE Naked Girls Reading events.

Subscribe now to lock in this introductory rate for the lifetime of your subscription. This special rate will not be offered after November 6th - anyone who signs up then will pay $9.95 per month. But if you subscribe now - before the site's public launch - you'll get full access, for only $4.95 per month, forever!. Plus, as a bonus, we'll give you a selection of preview content RIGHT AWAY!


Though Naked Girls Book Club and Naked Girls Reading are not pornographic sites, they are intended for adults only. By subscribing to this website, you are stating that you are legally at least 18 (eighteen) years of age.

Rate $4.95 for 1 month. Recurs till cancelled. User becomes member of role subscriber-early. (Duration - till cancelled.)

Terms and Conditions

<p>Naked Girls Book Club and Naked Girls Reading retain the right to cancel your subscription at any time, for any reason. Your monthly fees will not be prorated. Please conduct yourself in a manner that respects the Naked Girls and others that use this site. No spamming, no hurtful remarks, no solicitations for sexual activity of any kind. In short, just be nice.</p> By subscribing to this site you pledge to follow the Terms and Conditions and make the legal statement that you are at least 18 (eighteen) years of age.

Before you can subscribe you must agree to these terms and conditions